Member Renewal Best Practices: Insights from Industry Leaders

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Member Renewal Best Practices

A Bespoke Research Study By Sequence Consulting

We conducted in-depth research with ten highly prominent organizations with renewal-based business models to understand member retention best practices and benchmarks across industries. 

Participating organizations included associations, publishers, financial services, and philanthropic organizations. 

The research topics include:

    • Value Proposition
    • First-Year Renewal
    • Auto-Renew
    • Renewal Stream and Duration
    • Renewal Timing
    • Grace Periods

The result is a revealing look at what works in renewal across the board, regardless of the business you are in, and practical insights you can use to improve your own member retention.  

Chris Vaughan, Ph.D.

Chris Vaughan is the Chief Strategy Officer at Sequence Consulting, with over 20 years of experience helping associations grow. Specializing in membership and revenue strategies, Chris partners with organizations to deliver transformational growth and enduring change.

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